To the cloud

For a while now, I’ve had a little iPhone utility installed but not utilized.  I figured that it sounded like a good idea, even if I did not have a use for it at the time.  and hey, it was free.  Then I stumbled upon an interview where they were discussing said utility.  As a developer, I was pleased to hear things like they opted for simple system that worked instead of a feature rich behemoth with falls over at a twitch.  That utility is called DropBox.

I’m now a convert.  I’ve set up my free 2GB account and linked a host of systems to it (work, home, iphone).  It is not often that one comes across a product which makes you wonder how you ever did without it.  Especially since it is non-intrusive and fairly intuitive.

So I tip my hat to DropBox.  Well done sir.

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